ACT Therapy for Lymphoma in Dogs
When Honnie’s family found out that she had B cell lymphoma, they contacted us immediately. Lymphoma in dogs (as in people) demands a speedy response, and they wanted her to have the ACT therapy before they turned to any other type of treatment. Instead of the usual process of sending us her blood to culture, they sent us the whole dog! Honnie is a 7 pound Chihuahua, so she was easy to send. Honnie has lived with us for the past 3 months, and has had a variety of ACT infusions. Her case is special because she did not undergo chemotherapy prior to her ACT infusions. This allowed us to have a very vigorous culture, as the T lymphocytes had not been depleted by previous therapies. In her case she has had more than the standard two infusions. She has responded well to all of the infusions and we have been able to keep her B cell lymphoma controlled and the quality of her life has been quite remarkable.